Author spotlight

Martin Fleming

I’m an Australian writer who left his country after the cost of beer hit double figures. I’ve spent the last six months travelling the world and was most recently tricked into hiking the Inca Trail in Reeboks. I blame Tinder glitches for my loneliness. I like sharks.
7 lies we all tell ourselves while travelling Europe
From all the way down in the Southern hemisphere, Europe often seems like an unattainable, well-dressed myth. It’s this...
7 travel apps for every stage of your journey
Our smartphones are arguably the cleverest thing we pack on a trip. They’re an all-in-one translator, tip calculator, travel...
17 signs that it’s time you booked your next trip
We at Cheapflights strongly believe that everyone needs a holiday. Not just because these days we all seem to...
6 podcasts to listen to on your next flight
Whether it’s a long-haul flight, a six-hour stopover, or a dreaded overnight bus, one of the perks of long-distance...
7 friends we’ve all travelled with at least once
I’ve travelled by myself and with friends and there are benefits to both. But one of the most compelling...
12 inevitabilities of planning a holiday on a WhatsApp group
For me, planning a trip is one of the hardest parts of travelling. Maybe because my friends are as...
5 stages of a middle seat grief
There are few air travel woes that rival getting the middle seat. For a long haul flight, it’s a...
Thoughts anyone who’s spent the night at an airport has had
We’ve all been there. Desperate to save money, we book the cheapest flights we can find, only to realise...